Saturday, October 23, 2010


 I Need You
Alone I sit, longing to fill a void that has created an unnatural imbalance within my cipher. Like two planets spinning in opposite directions, we catch glimpses of each other in mirrors that produce reflections of royal splendor.

I really want to approach swiftly and caress your mind with words that will send chills up the spine of your ebony chocolate design. Damn, I've been looking for you I say to myself while placing your energy, your intelligence, your consciousness on my scale to see if I can measure your worth, but like Mastercard your priceless.

I try to chop and dice this information until it makes sense because for the longest I heard you no longer existed, but through the cosmos I persisted in my search to find you; the only one thing that could put my restless soul at ease. Our energies like sneakers became laced, moving at a fast pace in a moment where time and space has no relevance.

See, I’ve never had anybody mentally stroke me, physically provoke me, and spiritually invoke my name like an ancient hymn. See baby, I don’t think you’re grasping the magnitude of my gratitude or understand the storms I’ve had to weather. Oh, I’ve made it through but without you I still can’t seem to get my shit together.

Like pieces to a perfect puzzle we fit so, now I no longer sit alone trying to fill a void that has me twisted and bent. Yeah, I’ve heard that nowadays you’re taking cream with your coffee and lilke boulders that burdens lays heavy upon my shoulders.

However, I’m tired of playing games because life aint no PS3. What I’m trying to say is the man you’ve always wanted is present and accounted for and ready to lavish you with love and respect and let you see how it is you I adore. Is it still unclear? Then let me break it down to the very last compound; my life is not intact and I’ve gone back to the essence of my nature so I stand upon principles that are right and exact. I need you Ma, tell me how you gonna act?

Conscious Elements
Cipha Publishing © 2k9

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