Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Poetic Prose Of The Day- Word Play

Word Play
Visionary style spitter with imperial diction; here to drop facts not pulp fiction as words enter the ear causing irritation and friction when lies meet truth and self conviction. Divine syntax when my pen claps words of direction for dead mind state resurrection. Messages sent across synapses every borough and section; you say you’re not feeling this, you might need to check your connection.

Mind boggling soliloquies, airing you out like a cool breeze never know what to expect as I detonate and paralyze your cerebral cortex. In other words I blow your mind while you seek to make comparisons with me and others that are hard to find. So if you must critique that which I speak just know there’s only one me and that makes me rather unique.

Lyrical lightening rods manifesting and building with the gods. If you put a beat to this… you damn right your head nods. Verbs, nouns, and adjectives running through your consciousness like a laxative. Sentences of sound bites to bring light like a color prism to free you from all the isms, capital, imperial, colonial and material.

See, this here is the truth and I be’s the living proof and if I have to shout it from every roof…top, I will because I won’t stop. I’m the leader of this mission, not hoping or wishing but verbally all the lies in front of my eyes; yeah all three of them. While always opposing and verbally exposing any and all falsehoods chosen.

See, on the road less traveled it’s easy to stray when lies and deceptions are used to misconstrue the message I convey. So from now on I’ll be poetically bombing while I give you a taste, a sample. Not impressed by these words then watch for the example. And until the breath in my body can no longer stay just know and understand I’m serious about what I do and what I say, because when it comes to these words yo, I don’t play. Word Play

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