Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Conscious Poetics Of The Day- Sins Of The Father

Sins Of The Father

In the fetal position I dwelled for 3 cycles of gestation waiting to be brought into existence so I would be an asset to my black nation based on the information that will be taught to me by those who are responsible for my cultural foundation.

I was taught to seek knowledge; to my elders I pay homage because they paved the road on which I carry my own heavy load. At times I get tired of this and from all the trials and tribulations I need a rest, but when I sit still long I become drained as if all my energy is gone. I break down, even weep and even though I’m tired I’ve learned that the only thing that comes to a dreamer is sleep.

This life is like some kind of Matrix where reality is based on duality and if you choose not to focus then you too will become a fatality. Streets are fill with broken glass, broken hearts, voices of children that are seldom heard. This is the ghetto, the place where miracles and dreams once occurred, now all I see is violence and my brother’s body traced in white chalk and now even his dreams are deferred.

Neighborhoods are filled with husbands who are now has-beens. They’ve given up on life and just want to chill while breaking down their bodies with substances that kill. Whatever happened to solidarity and the raised fist? I reflect on who we were and who we are now and I’m pissed because you live your life in a wheelchair paralyzed by fear and yet you want me to listen to your bullshit about how you use to be the man around here.

Now I find myself part of a generation that is paying the cost all because you got sidetracked, forgot your sense of purpose and got lost. In fact it was you who told me I can’t know my future if I don’t know my past, but when I look behind me and then I see what is in front of me it’s apparent time is running out past. Money, drugs and sex is chanted like a mantra from a voodoo hex, we look to your for guidance and help but we receive none and we wonder why we’re trapped in ignorance with death being the only thing that comes next.

Conscious Elements
Cipha Publishing © 2k4

1 comment:

  1. Bro got flow!

    It is refreshing to find poetry with some raw cultural substance to it.

    Will return and read more when time permits.
