Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Militant Mind Set Piece Of The Day- Hatriotic


So now everybody wants to be patriotic; I guess because things around here have become a little chaotic. In this country that’s not a new development, elections won, lost even stolen; innocence is a thing of the past as chickens come home to roost with a jet fuel boost as buildings tumble and lives crumble. Cries of why, while politicians feign ignorance so they just continue to bullshit and mumble.

Flags wave from buildings, cars and schools where all of the sudden praying is cool. So now everybody want to be patriotic like everyday is the Fourth of July while you and I still fight to make our own Declaration of Independence. Red, White and Blue aint the colors for you and me; spilled blood, painted faces with fake smiles and knives in hand while the blues is the only thing I’m left to sing.

Nuclear armaments stockpiling, police steady racially profiling. I’m still waiting for freedom to ring, visions of Amadou Diallo and Rodney King, can’t we all just get along? Hell no, too busy policing the world as you neglect your own borders. Days and nights of anguish for our grandchildren, sons and daughters.

Foreign governments overthrown so I guess to the victor goes the spoils. Pipelines built on foreign soil so they can control not some, but all of the oil. While the one eyed monster spews it’s hypnotic rhetoric, proud to be an American? Don’t you get it yet?

In this land of the so-called free, being equal is a long stretch of the imagination for me especially with blue lights always flashing in my vicinity. Besides, the only reason you even stopped me was because I was driving alone, DWB. Physical detainment, night court and arraignments; army says be all you can be so you get tricked into a 7 year hitch. Static in my reception, is the Matrix broken , is there a glitch?

Promises broken, responsibilities for actions are words seldom spoken. At times this country is a beautiful place to live or maybe I need to change the tint on my ghetto colored glasses. Change is slow as molasses as they continue to push our lips to their asses. This might not mean much to you but to me it’s symbolic. The more things change, the more they stay the same, that’s why I don’t give a damn about being patriotic.

Conscious Element
Cipha Publishing © 2k3

1 comment:

  1. "The more things change, the more they stay the same, that’s why I don’t give a damn about being patriotic." I love your material, I can imagine the delivery of the piece as I read it. Ashe, from your spirit and our hearts we all feel as you do.
