Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mind Spray Of The Day- More About Relationships

I had to think long and hard about this topic. Honestly, there is no wrong or right when it comes to relationships, only the experiences we've gotten from these encounters. There are all types of relationships that I can talk about, but I'll just stick with men and women. When it comes to relationships we all have different perspectives, perceptions and even misconceptions on what a relationship is, and how we function within them. If you ask the question "What is the most important aspect of a relatiohship?" the answers would vary greatly.

The one mistake alot of us have made in the past is thinking that being in a relationship with another person is going to bring some sort of completion to our life. And in theory there is some truth to that. The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you,but to have another with whom
you might share your completeness.Whenever you come into a relationship looking for that someone outside of yourself to make things right in your life you're looking in the wrong place.

Having someone to love and to love you, having somone to share your time and space with is a great thing. However we all have parameters, boundaries, and rules that we abide by in life and within the relationships that make us who we are as individuals. But as individuals we decide and define what we will accept or not accept within our relationships because I am of the opinion that a person has to maintain their individuality within any relationship they participate in because if they lose themselves in another person, then they in fact are lost. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome read. Individuality is SO important as well as finding happiness outside of the union. Its unfair to hold someone accountable for something that should be obtained prior to the relationship. Very well said :o)
