Monday, May 31, 2010

State Of Emergency

As I reflect upon not only the recent events, but the events that have been asailing our community in the last twenty years it makes me wonder why more of us are realizing that we as a community and as human being in general are in trouble. The blatant assination of children, raiding the wrong homes where innocent people are either killed or hurt. Racial profiling, economic downturn, respect for life. These things are the very issues that help perpetuate the plagues that exist within our community.

The tragedies that we have faced and still face have us so numb that when something happens we act as if it is an everyday occurence. Perhaps it is, however the value that we place upon our lives and the lives of those around us is not like it use to be. We just don't seem to give a damn anymore. We come together to party, drink, smoke and do things that may seem to be fun have no relevance. But when one of our children get murdered, a man who has no busines nor the right to call our sistas "nappy headed hoes" we make a little noise but that's it.

Why don't we matter to each other anymore? We don't show each other the proper amount of love and respect, and yet we expect someone else to. We like to point the finger at people and say what needs to happen but our communities are war zones. We don't protect our elders or children. The acts of genocide that are committed daily are unconsconscionable and yet we look to blame others. We don't have to worry about others, when we are doing their job for them. We are dying, does anyone care. Is anyone going to stand up? The black community is at critical mass and it's only getting worse so now what?

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