Saturday, November 20, 2010

Conscious Elite by @KhairiAkili

When I first started to come into knowledge of myself, which was really less than 2 years ago, the people that I built most were online. I brought to this medium a naivety that didn't extend to my physical interactions. I was enamored by these conscious people of great wisdom. In actuality, they helped my growth tremendously but once I began to convene more with conscious people offline, the more I could see that they were saddled with the same issues as those that many of them look down upon. The traits of the dreaded "unconscious". The same people that they were but a short time ago. The same people we live amongst. The same people we will die with or for whether oppressed or free. The People. Our People. I've grown increasingly aware of a "conscious elite" class and increasingly disturbed by the group. The "conscious elite" is a group of people that manifests its elitism in distinctly different ways. Some become bullies, some opportunists while others become cowards and at times these subgroups overlap. This is by no means definitive, merely the observations of a young man.

The bully role seems often to be the companion of egomania. Differing opinions are not to be tolerated. In fact, if challenged or if perceived to be challenged the bully will discredit, dismiss or just try to out talk who ever insulted their being by disagreeing. This role is sad because these people are usually some of the most knowledgeable. Education + ego= the worst kind of ignorance. The moment you allow your ego to control your teaching methods, you are no longer a teacher.

The opportunist will use his/her knowledge to sell out the people for his/her personal gain/”glory”. They realize that being able to quote leaders and some statistics will give them instant credibility in the eyes of some. They will use subtle means to gain attention for themselves in order to cash in at some point. These folks are dangerous; not to be trusted. They have knowledge but shaky principles. Vision but ulterior motives. They will prey upon the unsuspecting and the ignorant.

Some people have allowed their elevation to be a means to excuse themselves from defending themselves and their people. Their head is so far in the clouds that they cannot see the war going on around them. That’s not being spiritual. That is setting yourself up to be a casualty. They say that fighting is dealing in their “lower self” and they are beyond that. Bullshit! They are scared. Simple as that. Maybe they should astro-project back to a time when they had a backbone. Damn, at least bring us back some intel on the enemy after one of the out of body travels. These people also tend to be the social-network crew that is tweeting/facebooking when events are happening in their city. They “love” the people but are never among the people.

At varying points in my development, I’ve exhibited some of these traits. I let my ego run wild when I first started learning. I was battling people all day. Went especially hard on the religious folks. I also used my so-called elevation as an excuse for being active. However, now that I have become more conscious to these behaviors, I do my best to avoid them. I recognize that there is only growth through humility and that being active in the community is a spiritual act and furthers my elevation. These are just a few of the things I have learned in my short journey.


  1. Peace, comrade.. may we always be close enough to be honest with each other if we see any of these traits in each other. I have seen you grow, you have seen me grow, we have grown & and we offer ourselves as servents for the people.
    Thank you for reminding us that we have to constantly be introspective so that we can be outwardly productive. I love you, Khairi.. and I am so fortunate that the universe brought us together!

  2. Peace, what a great post my brother. Very insightful
