Monday, November 22, 2010

Guest Blog by @Pasch X "Never Know Who's Watching

Bare with me, Por Favor, I am still trying to find my voice as a writer. I wasn't motivated to do this by any particular angst or cause; no one, or multiple injustices (there are so many to chose from) spurred me on, so this may not be as focused, concise, or precise as others who have contributed to this forum. Please believe, there are many things that raise my personal banner of protest and indignation. I sometimes find awareness to be a burden, particularly when you can see Imperialism in all of it's various forms, & the many places it may manifest.
But my motivation for this contribution was because someone whom I've never actually "met", but I consider a friend, simply asked. An individual who, despite the high probability that I am older than him (I say this because in our common cipher, I tend to be older than most people I interact with, by on average 10 years), I consider him a Sempai to my Kohai, particualrly when it comes to this craft of writing. My friend is acomplished, & very noteworthy by our peers, & the idea he would approach me to contribute to his forum, is simultaneously humbling & empowering.
Even as I'm writing this, I fight to maintain some sort of focus & direction. Whenever I sit to infuse my energy into the written word, I try to impart something of value. I find it's not necessary to always get deep; a light hearted affair can heal a soul. But for me,"value" is the key word, or the words turn into a collection of a beautiful nothing; aesthetically pleasing, but containing no intrinsic value. So far this piece may qualify as such, but as I said before, I'm still trying to find my voice.
As I write this, I'm starting to get the sense that this was meant as a lesson for me to learn, as oppossed to me dropping anything heavy on the people. That seems to be the mantra of most bloggers (the aformentioned "heavy drop"). Even the so called "enlightened" (me) feel peer pressure, I suppose.

Reading the post of other "friends" who have made their contributions gives me a little pause. This piece isn't well researched & fact checked & is basically off the cuff. I don't even know if I'll submit it. But I've been telling myself to be more bold in life; nothing is ever gained by inaction. Intellectually I know this, but emotionally...well, let's say that old paradigms tend to die hard. If you are reading this, then I will have won my battle with doubt & indecision.
Maybe the overall lesson to be learned here is what the power of connection can do to uplift. I read about the guest blogs on Twitter & remember thinking what an honor; to be thought of as your words & thoughts having enough value to someone, they would want you to contribute something to their world. Never once did I think that I would qualify. And yet, here I am. It's funny what happens when you think no one is paying attention. Consider me uplifted.
My only wish is to have added something of value to whoever reads this. I promise, If I'm ever asked to contribute again, I'll make my post a bit more subjective in it's focus. Thank you, Aqiyl !! It was an honor to be considered for this. Hotep to all!

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