Sunday, November 21, 2010

Guest Blog "How Many Fingerprints Are On Your Windowpane" by @NubianSymphony

How Many Fingerprints Are On Your Windowpane

Think for a minute to your younger years. How many people have you allowed into your cipher that simply should’nt have been? How many, after tasting your essence, left you void of any sustaining joy? If your yoni or manhood was a windowpane, how many filthy fingerprints have you allowed to smear it? We live in an age where promiscuity is being promulgated abhorrently creating difficulty in identifying destructive behavior. Taking the time to self evaluate can help to root out many demons that spring from unhealthy interactions. Of course, we can’t limit the harm done to just our interaction with the opposite sex (or the same sex for some) but it is a great place to start. The amount of filth you allow on your windowpane dictates your self-worth, your health, and your relationships.

Lady Z announced that she is in love after a year of being single. The man that stole her heart is a fiery flame. Yes, he is uranian. She knew this and accepted him regardless. You see he’s also a devote Pentecostal who believes being gay is an “abomination.” He finds himself living a straight life on a crooked road. Two months later, she announced that she just can’t do it anymore. Entering into a relationship with someone whose orientation is contrary to yours seems farcical; at least to me. He was the first man to treat her nicely and that was her simple yet complex reason. How many of us give our essence away without even the expectation of courtship. After speaking to a great many I was left dumbfounded by the actual number. The continual exchange with unexceptionals robs us of that self-worth. It leaves us void and forgetting what true mutual exchange looks like.

I can recall the exact date I met Lady M. I landed a wonderful job in Midtown, Manhattan. Lady M was my client. Lady M was beautiful and never met a man she could’t have. The day she received her HIV diagnosis was difficult to digest for me. I thought the news would make her upset, outraged, remorseful of her part, downtrodden even. She was none of the sort. Instead, Lady M looked at me and vowed that she would infect as many people as she possibly could. Her nonchalant attitude towards it all gave me chills--and does to this day. What a way to learn that lovin’ for the moment can change you for a lifetime.

Please don’t mistake my meaning. By no means am I advocating that adults should abstain from sex. I don’t believe in suppression. I’ll need another blog to talk about the problem with sexual suppression (from the priest/pastors to the church girls). What I am saying is that as adults we really need to take time to evaluate our interactions with our interests. Take a moment to come to a wise decision about what you are doing. Make sure you will be comfortable in the morning. Remember the next person to enter your life shouldn’t have to get low self-worth, poor health, and failed relationships hurled at them.

Obliterate vile fingerprints from your windowpane. Replace them with self-love and confidence and experience your inner splendor as you shine luminously.

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