Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest Blog Post: by @AllEyeCeeing "MAN: THE UNDERESTIMATED WORD OF GOD"

I break words down like they should be broken down in order to as some of the old folks say down south "get the goody out of it." An example of how I break'em down can be compared to how a slave-master breaks down his slaves. He separates and divides them from their SELF&kind and deprives them from foreign contact; therefore this renders them helpless and dependent upon him alone to give them their mental & physical foods; and this in turn bottles up the inspiration, interpretation, and meaning to their life, and from there they are auctioned, sold & traded off to any person who is willing to buy them. And believe me people will buy damn near anything nowadays including nothing; and there's hardly any way possible to convince them that the something that they think they have is really nothing.

Yeah I know that sounds crazy but the mental condition that 85 to 95% of the population of the Planet Earth is in right now despite this being a predominantly religious environment is even crazier. In truth, religion and religious people are partially yet heavily responsible for the shape that the world is in right now, but that's another subject for another time. Now I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with religion or religious people, and I'm not saying there's not anything wrong with religion or religious people; but I will say that I'm quite sure that many of the former prophets and messengers of God would be very disappointed and upset if they knew that their good names have been used to shield the dirty practices of some who have manipulated and used the minds & bodies of the human family as tools and slaves.

You often hear people talk about 'The Word Of God' as if they are so in tune with the word of God that they can tell the whole world what the word Of God is. That's not to say that none can't but most people don't even have a thorough knowledge of themselves or SELF so how can they say that they know God or the word of God when there's a vast difference between 'knowing God' and 'knowing of God'. I'm here to tell you that you cannot tell anyone what the word of God IS if you do not know what the word of God IS NOT
God has two kinds of WILL, an active will and a permissive will. Gods' active will is that in which Gods' hand is directly involved in, and Gods' permissive will is that which God allows. So whether or not Gods' hand is directly or indirectly involved everyTHING(that which is) is a word of God because God said "BE, and it is". Therefore since no word or scripture is private of interpretation(2Peter1:20) I can boldly state THERE IS ONLY ONE THING THAT IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD!... The only thing that is not the word of God is that which is non-existent. Why do I say that? Because that which is non-existent doesn't exist which means that God did not say BE so therefore it ain't(yeah I said ain't)...LOL

Let me further explain my reasoning for stating such. You do(some may not) agree that there is a such thing as a 'devil' or a 'lie' right? The fact that there is a devil, a lie, or even the concept of them both speaks volumes and lets us know that they are ordained by God to BE since an All-Powerful God has the power to rid the Earth of them. Now what's not a word of God is what the lie or the liar implies. EXAMPLE: If I came up to you and said, you know my cousin Joe who got killed 10 years ago? Well he came back to life last week...... The fact that I told a lie was a reality that God allowed but what the lie was implying is a non-reality or non-existent which means that it's not a word of God by no stretch of the imagination.

Some people have the nerve to go so far and try to relegate 'The Word Of God' to one particular book like The Bible or Holy Qur'an. You may have heard some of our Christian brothers & sisters state that the Bible is the infallible word of God, and that it's the best book in the world when they haven't read every book in the world; so that disqualifies any merit given to that statement. HELL!!! The majority of those who've made that statement haven't even completely read the bible. I've even heard a man who couldn't even read make that foolish claim. These kinds of statements are mostly based on tradition, popularity, or the fact that the Bible has been perennially a top-seller for years. Well, Michael Jackson sold more records than anybody else but that doesn't make him the best singer!!! What's popular is not always the truth and the truth is not always popular. Some of our Muslim brothers & sisters make these same kinds of statements about the Qur'an but the same can be said for them as well.

The Bible suggests it too but The Holy Qur'an plainly states that if all the trees were pens and all the water was ink you could never exhaust the wisdom of Allah(God), so that should let us know that there is more to come from God than in those books. So yes the Bible, the Holy Qur'an, the Torah, the Vedas and so-forth & so-on contain SOME of the word of God but YOU yes you contain them ALL. All of the above-mentioned books and sacred texts came from Man whether we want to say they were divinely inspired or not. We all must face the fact that everything we know right and wrong we learned it from another man, and when I say man I'm talking man & woman. Every concept, thought, and idea that we have can somehow or in someway be linked to another man, and there's just no way to escape that.

It's funny to me to hear people say things like "I'm not following no man" one minute and then turn around and call God 'the man up above' the next. Man has fallen and we've allowed the standard of what it takes to be called a man to be lowered. When a man is operating in his right or original mind he's operating from 'the mind of God', and thats the man up above. Your higher SELF, your higher consciousness, nature or state of being. I've never been an advocate of labeling something 'man-made' because when your knowledge is derived from fallen man(mankind) you don't know what's all man-made because your knowledge is limited, and your mind is denied access to the original mind of man which is the mind of God. Do you mean to say that a so-called man can make what is called a man-made lake but he can't make an ocean!?! NIGGA(not black people) PLEASE!!! I hardly believe that unless I am blind, deaf, and dumb. There's only one written account that contains the 100% Right & Exact 4-1-1 on The Creator & Creation and that is the Blackman&Womans(The Original Man) DNA. FROM ONE CAME ALL!
"Be mindful of what you write on your mind because what you write on the mind doesn't erase so easy".- Eye
Love, Peace, and Happiness upon you!!!


1 comment:


    I came upon this realization a long time ago after "speaking" to my I AM:

    I AM You, it "said", that part of you who IS and KNOWS ALL THINGS
