Monday, April 18, 2011

Conscious Thought of The Day- Whether or Not America Was Ready She Has A Black President

The election of Barak Obama was indeed a history making event that was celebrated around the world by millions of people, however that celebration was most definitely short lived. It was the coming together of people from diverse backgrounds, communities and ways of life that made the event possible. However two years into his election I've never witness the opposition, the rancor, the disrespect heaped upon a President in the history of this country. On the other hand should we be surprised by the actions of those who control the media outlets, magazine publications and the general public on the whole?

In a country that says it was built upon the premise that everyone is created equal has often proven that equalilty is nothing it knows anything about. Was Amerikkka really ready for this? Can't say one way or the other but what I can say is it doesn't look like it's happy about it. The daily scrutiny, the blame for a budget that was inherited from a regime that didn't give a damn about the common man or anyone else for that matter has become common place and an everyday occurrence that people only join in happily.

Now, just like alot of people didn't like the Preisident before President Obama, they are within their rights to spew venom, hate and lies. That has become the American way. My thing is how do we expect a country to be so accepting of a descendant of the very people that they have enslaved, battered, raped and mutilated and have shone to have a very healthy amount of disdain with to this very day.

No, I don't think Amerikka was ready, nor do I think it will ever be ready. Granted there are small pockets of people who know how to look past hues, religion and other things to come together for a common goal and to bring about a change. However, in my opinion that is not the feelings and thoughts of the majority at least from what I see. Personally, I wish those small pockets of people had a much stronger influence so that the world can see that people can come together to get things done despite the obvious differences. I guess that's why they say that the only thing that comes to a dreamer is sleep

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