Monday, April 18, 2011

MindSpray Of The Day- Not Everyone Is Going To Get It

In the social media realm we encounter many different people from all over the world, who come from different backgrounds, have different views on life and such. Just like in the real world, in the social media our interaction a lot times is based upon our interests, alliances, proclivities that are centered in and around our preferences, music, habits, etc. The thing is, within all of that I do my best to not conform to the ideas and perceptions of people who think because they can read something that you tweet it gives them an intimate look into the person that you are.

140 characters is just that, a sum of the entire thought process of the individual who uses this media. You have people who seek to enlighten and be enlightened, you have those who use the media for business, romance, to link people with each other, etc. The irony of it is not all are mature enough to handle the things that go on with Facebook and Twitter. So many take personal the things that people may say that have nothing to do with you but something they say strikes a cord and taking it personal is what happens.

If for some reason you forget the reason that you partake in this media you may tend to not start taking everything personal, but lose focus on just what it is your doing yourself. Invariably, it may not matter what it is that you decide to say it will enrage, offend and alienate the most sensitive of people and it's not that it's your fault but that's just the way it goes. One of the biggest forms of miscommunication in this media is mistaking kindness for interest. It's a fact that people hook up on this media outlets, but not everyone is there for that. Unwarranted attention, ingratiating yourself with someone you have just encountered is often uncomfortable as well as disrespectful.

Yes, the follow and unfollow, or friend button are equal opportunity button and should be used at your own discretion, because your within your right to do so. Your style of tweeting of FB'ing may not be understood by everyone, but Twitter beefs, going in on someone who have hurt your feelings or because they don't agree with you views is a waste of time. No matter where we find ourselves, even after explaining our positions, setting boundaries some are still not going to get. Your method, your style, everyone is not going to get it. Your views, your thoughts, not everyone is going to support it.

At the end of the day, if the machinations that go on within these media outlets are too much for you then removing yourself is always an option to take because not everyone takes kindly to abuse, unwanted attention and we may not like the response to such behavior. Twitter and FB can be as beautiful as the people you interact with but the face on the other side of the coin can be quite scary.