Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Guest Blog: Rapture, Raptors and Respect by @TrueOmegaNexus

So, it's another week of life on this planet earth. Lo and behold no planet shattering earthquake and no mass exodus of faithful followers into another realm of existence. This past Saturday as many people know was supposed to be what we of the Christian faith call the Rapture....well that's if you believed the specific teachings of certain preachers. Personally, I never subscribed to the May 21st ideas so It was really more of serious period of observation for me. The time leading up to the date in question allowed me to again view my peers as they expressed themselves concerning the upcoming Apocalypse.

To no real surprise the Internets were over flowing with "humor" and crude views on the Rapture topic. Many comical images and plays on the word rapture were popping up on blogs and tumblr sites. "Fear the Raptor", "The Raptor is Coming", etc, etc....those were cute but in addition to the jokes were those who saw this as merely another opportunity to bash the Christians. I'm not here to rally for my faith as truthfully no one disrespected me personally but on a whole I don't get the tone that overtakes so many when they log on. I have a simple Respect law. Watch your words towards Family, Friends & Faith. Those 3 F's are areas that I think as thoughtful adults you should show a a level of respect towards until your given a legit reason not to.

Is it because you can't physically see this higher power that folk degrade God. No matter what or whom you pray towards, I think it's one of the ultimate levels of tastelessness to act in such a manner. Maybe I'm just getting older and everything can't simply be excused as "jokes." When the basis of a whole faith/religion is the punchline of the joke it rarely THAT funny. That's not to mention the "Rapture" parties that were taking place to mock the the idea of what may have occurred. It kind of reminded me of Will Smith classic movie Independence Day where the people of the Invaded cities throw rooftop parties right under the Alien ships. It was fun to mock the situation until it got real. It all makes me wonder what is sacred in this society anymore. Everyone claims to "Not give a f**k." Is that true? Is existence really just one big punchline?

To all folk that matter to me I ask "What do you stand for?" "What is it that you represent?" There's never a comedic reply to that because while we all need laughter, we also need balance and respect. Don't we???

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. "Is existence really just one big punchline" on the internet they make it seem so.

    Balance & respect. Everytime.
