Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mind Spray Of The Day- Black Love

There are a lot of people who say Black Love is dead, but I beg to differ. It's a fact that it is in no way shape or form is it as strong as it used to be and to deny that fact would be to deny the obvious. Alot of brothers and sisters really don't understand the inextricable bond that a black man shares with his black queen. Centuries of progress and struggle have shown and proven that when we come together there is nothing that can't be done. The sad thing is even though we have this knowledge we seem to be hell bent on destroying each other at an alarming rate. Brothas, if not for the sistas, we probable wouldn't have any churches, or masjids open to attend. Our children wouldn't be excelling and our homes would be in disarray. We run the streets, hanging on the block day and night doing things that are not always conducive to a productive home life, all in the name of doing what we gotta do. But isn't what we gotta more comprehensive then just bringing money home. Isnt' it about being there for the children, spending quality time with each other, not nagging and sniping with each other. Yes, adversity is going to rear it's head quite often but together we form a more formidable entity then apart.

In order for black love to flourish we must first be responsible for it and to it.
We must, we must alter our perception about ourselves first and work on some effective change so we can rightfully stand next to our women with pride and purpose. Black Love is not dead, but it is definitely in need of some healing. We must begin to heal mentally, emotionally, physically as well as emotionally. We have endured much, but much has been given to us and to whom much is given, then much is required. Without you sisters Black love will die, and I for one can not live without my Black Queen standing, laying and loving beside me.

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