Thursday, January 6, 2011

Conscious Poetics- Even Stranger Fruit

Even Stranger Fruit

I never liked what they tried to feed me; whether it was food used to dilute and pollute making us think if we relax our hair and dress real cute or put on a $1000 Brooks Brothers suit. Telling me lies about the color of the Creators eyes, quoting scriptures and verses that supposedly support generational curses.

Trying to feed us fruit that further disconnects us from the root, the foudation of our past as we succumb real fast to their devious plot. Separating us from the true essence of ourselves as we dwell in this imperial hell while the majority of us don't knw or have forgotten that when we got here we didn't go to church; we bowed our heads 5 ttimes a day to offer salat.

I look back and I can still hear the sound of the whip crack and see the remnants of scars left on many souls and backs. See I know I'm not the only one who has a problem with the way things are being done. It leaves a vile and bitter taste in my mouth, a pain and cancerous hate in my heart but that's not the end of it, just the start.

The snakes have become master chefs trying to season, simmer and saute ideas that produce nothing but submission and fears; trying to tell me it's good for me all the time knowing it's poisoning my system and trying to change my thinking that will end up leaving me dead and stinking.

So be careful because the taste is so seductive and if taken repeatedly it can be quite destructive. Lulling you into a false sense of security with its smooth texture and semblance of purity as if it was picked from the Garden of Paradise. However, lately I've been trying to think twice to come up with a solution that's absolute and no matter what you say and how much you try to make me eat know for a fact something is definitely strange about this fruit.

Conscious Elements
Cipha Publishing 2k4 ©

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece... It speaks the truth about the falsified info/religions folks try to feed you... it is strange fruit...
