Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Revolutionary Reflection of The Day- Deferred Dreams and Potential

It's not like this subject has not been banded about for the last few decades in regards to the Black man. Every city, every neighborhood has stories of a young black man with promise, poised to make his mark in the world and suddenly by fate or chance something happnes to derail him/her and all we are left with is the memories that the stories produced. Now, all too often we like to blame others for what happens in these situations but not me. Today I'm talking about the fact that so often it is us not participating in our own survival, so then we become complicit in our own demise.

We can talk about pharmaceutical death that dispensed on the corners, we can talk about alcoholism, domestic abuse, child abuse, AIDS and other the other maladies that plague our community. We can talk about so many of the negatives that we live with, but for some reason we never want to address the fact that there are things we have done as a people in the past and what we're doing now that are directly proportionate to what is going on today. Today, dreams and potential are often deferred because our parents had theirs deferred and didn't feel it necessary to impart certain information that would be necessary for the kids to have a dream, work towards a dream and then manifest the dream. Some of our parents did the best with what they had, but what happened to the mentors and all the other elders in the village?

Bottom line is we are in trouble. Despair and depression over run our communities and that makes it seem like there is no hope, but there are still diamonds in the rough in the hood. There are miracles being produce daily. Yes things are rougher than ever, but it is not impossible, but it starts with the parents, leaders and elders. We can't give up on ourselves and we can't give up on each other, after all we're all we got.

Respectfully Submitted

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