Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mind Spray Of The Day -"Is The Revolution Over?"

What happened to the revolutionary? What happened to the brother and sister who when an injustice was sited not only spoke out against it but put their hands towards doing something about it.What happened to the spirit of the revlolutionary when a innocent man or woman was killed, a child murdered, a brother or sister falsely accussed and imprisoned they rallied with others to not only effect some change but bring about justice. Why is it so easy to just kill one of us, and other than seek some sort of recognition for saying something, the travesty is quickly forgotten? Why is when one or some of us actually want to stand up for justice the rest of us have so much negativity to spew that it almost make us not want to do anything? What happened to the Malcolms, the Dr Kings, the Nkrumahs, the Assata Shakur, the Mumia of today? Are we not willing to give our lives, our very existence for the betterment of those we love and are responsible for?

Why do we continue to allow the trickery of this European society to not only dictate who we should be, and how we should be, but help petutate this sickening trend of self hatred to the point that we are killing each other for them? How many more Sean Bells, Amadou Diallo, Emmett Tills, have to be sacrificed and we just sit there as if nothing happened? It is as if we work around in drug induced coma oblivious to the pain and suffering of those around us. We have been tricked into thinking that a black life is really of no value and has no purpose. No other race of people or culture has perpetuated the crimes and atrocities against each other like this at no time in history. So why do we do it? Simple, we have assimilated into a system and a mindset that has no concern for us and yet we continue to seek acceptance from this same society even though it is bringing about death, misery and mayhem.

As a people we are so out of touch with who we are that we have no idea what it is we are supposed to do. Then when a few brothers and sisters want to enlighten us we tell that we aint trying to hear the freedom shit. Freedom shit, how in the hell did being free become something that we don't want. Us, the descendants of slaves that built this country on the small of our backs. Us, who comprise more than 70% of the prison population in this country? How backwards is it to know you in bondage but don't want to take off the shackles? Revolution doesn't start with picketing and speaking out against injustice because every person on this planet has an inante sense of right or wrong. No, it starts with the thinking. Revolutionizing your thoughts, ideals and behavior so that they become more conducive to thrive in an atmosphere where change needs to take place. Although we make more money, drive bigger cars and live in nicer homes, many or us are still fighting the same struggle and dealing with the same issues from 50 years ago, so if that's the case then how in the hell can the revolution be over? Someone please answer that for me.

1 comment:

  1. "Why is when one or some of us actually want to stand up for justice the rest of us have so much negativity to spew that it almost make us not want to do anything?"

    I've been wondering about this one for awhile, too.

    They hate any type of action taken because it highlights their inaction. That's my friend's theory. I might start interviewing some haters to confirm.
