Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mind Spray- The Value Of a Black Life by @consciousskillz

From the early days of slavery, until now there has a been a continual and repetitive paradigm that has plagued the black community. The blatant disrespect and disregard for the lives of individuals of African descent. We can talk about Black Wall St in Oklahoma, or even Rosewood Florida. What about Amadou Diallo and Sean Bell who were both gunned down in New York with more the 40 shots fired at both of these unarmed brothers. Or Abner Louima was brutally violated in a Brooklyn New York Police Precint with a plunger. Oscar Grant who was shot face down at an Oakland transit station. I can go on and on about this and site different cases from now until judgement day but the bottom line remains the same: these brothers were murdered and or brutalized and not much was done about it. So what is it about a black life that those in power make it seem like it is of none or little value. And what's worse, many in us in the black community not only believe this myth but perpetuate it daily. Whether it be black on black crime, abuse, drugs alcohol, we have picked up the mantle of self destruction and have become so adept at it that it is no longer necessary for anyone outside of to do anything to us because we've become willing participants in our own demise.

It's one thing not to have the knowledge of our past and current greatness, but it is by far greater to not care and to eradicate one another soley based out of ignorance and "keeping it real" When has destroying your brother or sister been associated with "keeping it real" Yes, the ancestors of our slave masters never gave a damn about us and made sure that we knew that we weren't shit, was never shit and was never going to be shit. Why? Because they knew something that we didn't.It is  my opinion based on research and experience that they understood not only potential for greatness, but witnessed it first hand. When we we brought to this country any type of formal education was out of the question because not only did they understand that an enligntened mind is a free mind, but they knew that an informed is one that possess the ability to help others achieve that goal and they were not having that. See, because we were taught to value the opinions of those outside of ourselves we began to look to them for validation and unfortunately the trend continues today.

Although the powers that be may not value a black life, we need to remind each other that a black life is valuable now and always has been. We can't continue to perpetuate this myth, this lie and expect anything good to come from it. We already know that society is never going to love, honor and protect us and we shouldn't look for them to do a job or take on a responsibility that is ours. When we start to value our own lives it will no longer matter if they like it, agree with it or understand it. Self acceptance will allow to push past the disgusting and revolting practice of needing validation from some who doesn't give a damn about you. That is sick and ineffective behavior for anyone wishing to stand on their own. Question: How is it possible for the indigenous inhabitants of this world to have accomplished so many great things and still not recognize their greatness? Please somebody tell me how. Peace

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