Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ms Sherrod Ousted, Then Vindicated?

The woman ousted from the Agriculture Department over racially tinged remarks that sparked a firestorm in the media said she was uncertain if she would return to her job if invited back.
"I am just not sure how I would be treated there," Shirley Sherrod said on NBC's TODAY, adding that she couldn't get coworkers to listen to her side of the story about remarks she made in March about giving shortshrift attention 24 years ago to pleas for assistance by a white farmer.
Her comments came hours after Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said will reconsider the USDA's decision to force Sherrod to resign after learning more about what she said.
"I am of course willing and will conduct a thorough review and consider additional facts to ensure to the American people we are providing services in a fair and equitable manner," Vilsack said.
Sherrod, who was the Agriculture Department's director of rural development in Georgia, and said she was pressured to resign Tuesday.
She said she was perplexed by the uproar about her remarks recently broadcast on a conservative website were taken out of context.
"That's not my message. That's not me," she said on TODAY. "If you look at my life's work, you would know that that's not me." (excerpt from NBC news)

So now that this farce has been exposed for what it is, will all these naysayers that jumped out the woodwork to slander this woman apologize. Speculation, says that Ms. Sherrod may be offered her job back but according to a post this morning she is not even sure she wants it back. The NAACP has never been one of my favorite groups, however I support their efforts to advance the cause of Blacks in this country, but the President of the NAACP, Benjamin Jealous proved a quote that I've read close to 25 years ago, "contempt prior to investigation is everlasting ignorance." How can you take anything FOX news broadcast when you know their propensity to put a slant on everything? But you know how some many of us do, where always the first to always condemn each other way before anyone else get's a chance. On top of that, the Obama adminstration doesn't want to admit it but they're going to have to back peddle on this issue and eat a little crow, or maybe not, but the bottom line is they jumped the gun. My thing is this is something that has been happening for the longest. I know that we live in the year 2010, but why does it still feel like 1950?

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