Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Racism in the Post Racial Era

Even the title of this blog post seems a little oxymoronic. I've often found it to be kind of wild how some people change who they hate quicker than a pair of shoes. As long as they have someone to hate they are happy and it doesn't matter who that is. Never in any time in history has so much disrespect, disdain and pure hatred been directed at a President of the United Snakes of America. I don't know, maybe it is just a black thing.

The Republicans and the general concensus at large have blamed this man for everything that has occured in this country, even when he wasn't in office. But President Obama is not the focus of this blog post. No, what's the focus is the ever mindful, ever present coily snake we know as racism. Now, let's come to grips about a few things. From the beginning of time human beings have been at odds with each and I don't see the trend ending any time soon. However there's more to this than that. See there are going to be people in this country who don't care about Affirmative Actions, equal civil or human rights. No, their ideaology spews is against anything or anyone who doesn't not look like them, talk like them, or think like them.

Nowadays everyone seems to be making a big to do about the "teabaggers". Personally, I'm not mad at them because with them you don't have to reserve judgment or wait to see what they are about. They're letting you know live and direct how they feel about you, the President and anyone that falls within those categories. See I'm from the school as long as you know your enemy and know yourself, then you victories will be many. (Thanks Sun Tzu) Anyway, instead of worrying about things you have no control of, trying to assimilate and ingratiate yourself with people who care nothing about, you may need to focus on the people who are calling you the n-word to your face and wish to do you some serious harm. I'm just saying.

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