Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mind Spray of the Day Freedom, The Illusion That It Is

Freedom, this is a topic, a principle that can be debated and argued about for milleniums and you would never exhaust it. My experience has taught me that the concept of freedom is a three fold principle in which aids the invidual by re-enforcing sovereignty of self, being the captain of your own ship so to speak. If the mind doesn't understand the concept that it has the ability to operate unencumbered and be free of thinking, and information that only seeks to enslave it then it will motivate the body to perform actions that are conducive to that thinking.

However, let's talk about slavery just for a moment. We knew then and still know that it was a wicked institution that has been existing upon the face of the earth for a very long time. Those of us who are the ancestors of those who were brought here from Africa not only suffer from what has been termed as "Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome" but still live that existence within the illusion that freedom can be. According to Dr Joy Degruy Leary who wrote the book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome describes as this."The systematic dehumanization of African slaves was the initial trauma, explains Leary, and generations of their descendents have borne the scars. Since that time, Americans of all ethnic backgrounds have been inculcated and immersed in a fabricated (but effective) system of race “hierarchy,” where light-skin privilege still dramatically affects the likelihood of succeeding in American society.

Now, I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel by bringing up and expounding upon this topic, that's not my goal. I want to address the system that says that we (black, hispanic, poor white) are free but the laws that govern not only trap you, but their goal is to keep you. See, I know and understand what it is to do a stretch, come out and try to pick up the pieces of my life and do something positive. There are many documented cases that show that not everyone was guilty of a crime that has done time, or the punishment meted out didn't in any way fit the crime.

The system is still rigged that in order to stay on the street, it cost money. Probation or parole fees, court fees, reentry class fees, all to pay for an individual who in most cases has spent anywhere from 5-15 years of his/her life incarcerated. Rehabilitation is non existent, unless you take upon your self to improve and make the most of it. The pitfalls and temptations are everywhere, but it makes it even harder when those who have "charge" over you spend their time doing nothing but trying to make sure that your return to the prison occurs. So tell me how is it freedom? The leash or chain may not be visible, we may not be working in fields for no pay, but the "overseer" today sits behind their desk and depending upon their temperment or mood, continously dangles the threat of incarceration over your head. Freedom, so illusive, yet so necessary. Freedom exhilerating, yet so costly. Freedom, I can hear your chimes off in the distance but when I reach the place you once were all I hear is silence. Freedom

1 comment:

  1. Your freedom is affected when you lose control over your thoughts.. When you can not focus on self you automatically lose your freedom.. Even if you sit in a box everyday, you have the choice to try and maintain your sanity, learn new things, or give up and conform to what people want you to be. Great read.
