Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prolific Poetics- Where Are You?

Where Are You
As the clock ticks, seconds become minutes that become hours, only intensifying the time and distance between you and I. I find myself in nightmarish places stuck in between reality and what us to be, while recognizing faces but losing track of the places we use to frequent.

I lie here in anticipation hoping you’ll hear these whispers that may seem careless, but they bounce around the circumference of these walls never taking flight; weighed down by the gravity and depravity o this thing called loneliness.

The memories cascade around my rood overwhelming me with feeling of gloom just wishin’ for a chance to hold you in my embrace so I can quickly erase the past that has me sleeping wide awake. Not really sure how much more I can take but I may to accept the fact that even if time heals these wounds, I may never get you back.

I often catch myself looking around thinking you might surprise me and just appear out of nowhere but I’m trapped in the vortex of a bottomless abyss that lies within a black hole of complete nothingness. I can’t even feel you anymore. It’s like you’ve become an endangered species and I’m just tired of all this feces, yeah I’m talking about shit because these thoughts and feelings about you persist and I’m pissed because you don’t even check for a brotha.

I guess that’s what I get for dwelling in the illusionary state of being missed. Maybe you are just a figment of my imagination, but I’m still waiting for you in the physical to rectify this situation. Yeah, it’s easy to see this piece is about a woman and I’m not sure the name of yours or where she’s from, but mines happens to be named “Freedom”, so where are you?

Conscious Elements
Cipha Publishing© 2k7