Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dirty Cop by @luvalution

To my folks up on the hill, With the cake and dollar bills, You need to watch da dirty cop, Dey the one you need to watch, I’m talking ‘bout the dirty cop, Dey the one you need to watch. – From Soldier by Erykah Badu

This blog is my first true meaningful entry and it’s written to honor a young man that I never had the pleasure of meeting personally but impacted me in a transformational way…Oscar Grant.

I will always recall the feelings of outrage, pain, heartbreak, and disbelief all at the same time when I saw the video clip of his murder. How could this unarmed, handcuffed man just get shot in the back by this cop? In front of all of these people…Really? It was so hard to comprehend. I must have sat frozen for several minutes, mind reeling about what I had just witnessed.

Then…I wept.

I wept for the thousands of young black men, women and children that die at the hands of police when no one is watching. I wept for all of the young black men Oscar represented. I wept for his family. I wept for his friends sitting beside him on that train platform. My Spirit wept for us All.

In honor of Oscar….below are some of my thoughts on the concept of a ‘dirty cop’.

We’ve all heard it for years…as if there are just a few bad ‘apples’ in the bunch. I used to believe that; however, my truth seeking journey has led me to the realization that it’s not just a few dirty cops. This corrupt system of terror, imperialism, was designed to confine, oppress and ultimately eliminate the Africans in this stolen land and eventually worldwide. The main purpose of their police is not to protect & serve as we've been brainwashed to believe. That’s just another trick to have the oppressed peoples trust the system. The role of the police is to be the foot soldiers of imperialism. Point. Blank. Period.

Whether overtly or covertly, strategies are developed to eliminate black people, primarily black men and the police are given orders to implement those strategies however that cop deems appropriate. It’s that simple!!! All any sensible person has to do is look the hell around. Prisons are overflowing with black men and built in predominantly white areas to employ predominantly white corrections officers. As a white woman living in a racially diverse community…I see the shit every day! I see and have lived in the poor neighborhoods not getting the resources they need for better schools, roads, etc. I see the fatherless children. I see the young men on the street with no direction. I look around and wonder if I’m the only one seeing this happening. Am I?

When I first heard Empress Badu sing that the dirty cops are the ones they need to watch. I was like “right on, Sis…f**k the police”. After deeper reflection those “up on the hill, with the cake and dollar bills” could actually care less about what the cops are doing to black people in U.S. cities/towns and even beyond the U.S borders. They want their foot soldiers to continue the attacks on the black neighborhoods. The imperialists know the true power that Africans hold. It goes farther back than you or I or anyone we know living today. As the original people of the World, Africans hold the keys to so much intellectual and spiritual Power and that is what threatens the very nature of this corrupt racist system. They know the true history that they withhold from the masses and they also know if it’s released more Minds will wake up and rise up against this oppression. I will that anyone reading this opens their mind to the Truth much sooner than later.

This system of terror has been successful in oppressing the Africans in this country through hundreds of years of oppressive strategies: slavery, Jim Crow, de-segregation, police brutality, institutionalized slavery, etc. The system was also designed to keep the non-blacks (whites) oblivious to the Truth. The good news is…Minds of all hues are waking up!

This brings me to the transformational changes that the murder of Oscar Grant has brought into my own life. The most significant is the unity among people that, I believe, were divinely connected to do important work in the name of Freedom. I personally have witnessed Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Blacks and Whites of all ages and walks of life come together to honor Oscar’s life and begin to discuss solutions. Tell me that’s not Powerful transformation?!? His murder has brought together spiritual forces, that i believe, make up the perfect recipe for true Freedom.

Although his death was unjustifiable and the dirty cop will most likely be set free by this imperialistic nation we call Amerikkka, may Oscar Grant’s death not be in vain. Not now. Not ever.

Uhuru…Peace…and Power to the People!

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