Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guest Blog Week: A Limited View On Truth by @coreman2200

Some people will look to history, to old teachings, to religion, etc., with an idea of what they are supposed to retrieve and see and interpret from those volumes of knowledge; a view consistent with the trend or the movement or the teacher’s. A view limited by such expectation. Limited to the reflected sentiments onto the letters, at best. At worst, some see just the letter and revere that symbol as the law. I think in some many ways, we are All that person.This applies, certainly, to our experiences and the lessons we take from them. Often a trial that we overcome, and the scars left within and upon us, will help us to further define our perspective. Lead us, perhaps, to understand the world around us in such a light that reflects our previous failings and recent overcoming. But how are we sure at those times that we are perceiving the Truth in that lesson, and not but a shade of this light? How are you sure to have conquered this trial, this painful experience?

How do you know that you have learned The Truth? If not, are we ever free of the shadows of our very own ignorance?In my younger years, my external family proved to be the first of many trials I had to overcome… and lessons that I had (mis)learned. Through some many scenarios, I might say that some of my family has proven to be very untrustworthy individuals. Manipulative, vindictive, spiteful, resentful ~ for whatever their reasons, and surely I cannot and will not deny them their reasons, these characteristics were expressed often to me and my household family. I for years prided myself in making it through the miseries they had caused me and mine, and reveled in the wisdom that I took from that experience: that no one is to be trusted. That if family could do to you what mine did to their own sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, grandchildren ~ then Anyone can and most probably will do much the same. So your best bet is to deny anyone such access to you that they might ever do you harm. I had made demons of the world around me, and all that ever was me, I refused to fully express, for fear of attracting these demons. This was my view of Truth, then. This was the lesson that I maintained.It was, I believe, now, a very false and misunderstood interpretation of the Truth and the lesson. In my anger and loathing for those people and the world around me, I never thought to question my understanding of the word “trust”. How, upon Reflecting on this, the the picture is broadened.

 In such youth as was my own in the time of this lesson, “trust” to me had a meaning that greater tended to “expectation” ~ things that I would imagine Should be the case would prove not to be ~ and upon the shattering of that delusion, however well qualified or generally accepted, would be the pain I felt. The disappointment. The reason why I should have never trusted, in the first place. It took me most of my life, repeating this same lesson in different forms, with different people, in different spaces, to come to the understanding that “trust” is a matter of accepting and working with what/who Is, and not what they Should be. It took so long because any such Awareness lay hidden behind the shadows I would never dare tread into. When fear or hatred or ignorance keeps you where you stand, such shadows become walls. When those walls become familiar, anything lurking in the darkness behind them becomes threatening, even (especially) greater perspective and wisdomIn our trials, we should be clear: what we learn and what we do not, what we see and what lies still beyond the shadows of our ignorance, and however we grow from this matter, is but a matter of conquering not some shade or demon or oppressor ~ but our very Selves. And Truth.. Truth Is ~ there really is no smaller or more acute way to express this without stealing even more away from the fullness of this concept. Truth is ever constant – beneath every lie, behind every being, expressed in every vibration and utterance of delusion.

It is our eyes and our thinking that defines and thence limits our view of all things. So when, per our view, we are seeing a cycle or some repetition in our lives – either confirming our views or presenting we before ourselves yet again in the form of an enemy or hard lesson – we are experiencing that very fullness of Truth. Consistent, for it is all that Is. Undeniable, for its hounding nature. Foundational, per absolute right.Truth hurts we who stand in belief and worldly view against it – the delusions we keep crack under such timeless, relentless pressure. The lessons ever sung on the waves of it affirm or deny our sight through painful struggle. It is in those lessons that we see what life is, and what Truth is. Truth – as it Is, Always – will prove its existence by asking you to try again (and again) to learn the lesson.Truth is not a boundary ~ it is the contradiction between one’s ‘reality’ and the All that Is that serves as the walls we run into. Should you consider all of Life and Being a boundless field, it is ever limited by the scope of our perspective and the distortion of the lens through which we gain our view of the Truth.

We, in what we we believe, serve to be the walls we ourselves keep. It is in Openness to life – expanding beyond our maintained preconceptions such that we see more in even the very last experience we had – that allows us to thwart this. It is in Consciousness of define-less Truth – a reverence for something so fantastically, albeit at times painfully, consistent – that we grow to live more fully, as a reflection of that Truth. It is in Freedom of Loud Self Expression – expelling your view of truth such that it, too, can be broadened in scope – that we come to maintain an ever more clear and consistent worldly view. And it is in Fearless Exploration – not denying yourSelf that which makes the ego uncomfortable, not being limited to the law of letter for definition of this world; in seeking all that life and Truth entails in the time that you may – that we dissolve the walls of darkness that keep us.

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