Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When Perception Becomes Reality

The line between perception and reality is thin and at times very blurry for many reasons. One of the main reasons is our propensity as a people to not only shy away from the truth, but run from it especially when it conflicts with the things that we have become comfortable with that assuage not only our conscious but our temperment when it comes to living life on life's terms.

For example, the perception of the black community for some who have never lived in one, or near one is MTV, FOX News driven so whatever these "media outlets" spew upon the screen is not perceived as truth but reality. Now, is there some truth to what is seen? Yes, there are statistics, news reports and documentaries that will substantiate alot of these findings. However is it the total reality? No it is not.

How can something like the black community constantly and consistently be portrayed in such a negative light and be considered the total reality. If you understand the law of reciprocity you understand that positive must be in the equation somewhere to provide the proper balance necessary to maintain order.

Perception becomes reality when those individuals, myself included do not take the time to sift through the muck and mire of statistics, exposes and slanted media reports to come to understanding that this maybe one person view of what is seen, but it doesn't mean that it is accurate.

In my experience, perception can't be all that we go by to understand and my observations about things. Why? because our perceptions are linked to our feelings and belief system and if those change so will our perceptions. It is best to know that something is accurate then to perceive it. You may not agree with this posting but give it some thought and let me know what you think about it. Looking forward to your comments.

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