Friday, May 27, 2011

Guest Blog: Give Of Yourself by @theredpillpusha

Gratitude is so important. I speak on it so much, because it is the very thing that will bring more into your life. To be thankful for all the many blessings you NOW have is utterly important. I am thankful for all of the LOVE I feel (literally) from you. I am thankful that you guys keep me on my toes with writing (Keya was responsible for this one)...I am thankful for LOVE & LIGHT and everything in between including the darkness.
I sent out a text message yesterday talking about giving back. It read:

"Don't be one of the "takers" of the world. You're not here to take, or to be consumed with "THINGS"...NO. You are here to give, to 'be in service, to help your 'brothers' by sharing your gift to the world. Be aware of this & help someone whole hearted, even if all you can offer is an open ear and a smile."
It's important that we don't go around with this human mentality that everything is ours for the taking. That's a huge lie in our world. The truth is,EVERYTHING IS YOURS FOR THE GIVING! To have all is to give all away. You will not flourish in life by hoarding. You will not flourish in life by having a "mine" mentality. That was never any of our purpose.

You are so special, equipped with a certain gift that this world needs at this time. You can not share that gift if you are continuously consumed with losing anything. Everything you will or could ever need is already yours. YOU WILL BE SUSTAINED in giving. You may be moved around, shifted to where you are needed, and this may seem like a trial, but trials are merely lesson that you neglected to learn the first time around. They are brought back to you so that with the new knowledge you absorb, you are able to make a new choice.
Just be thankful for it all. The good, the bad, and the in between. You are capable of shifting any bad situation into something good if you so choose. Life was never meant to be this hard uphill battle no matter what you once believed. Life was meant to be abundant, and abundance was meant to be shared. So reach out to another, and give something of yourself. Whether it's financial support, forgiveness, a smile, or an open ear....just give something. And when that moment of giving is over...give again and again, and watch how your life is taken to a whole new level of greatness.
YOU ARE A BRINGER OF LIGHT! The moment you realize it, the brighter you will shine.
Don't believe me, just try it and see for yourself.


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