Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Guest Blog "Helping vs. Enabling by @TruthSpeaker

There is a fine line between helping someone, and enabling them. You can't carry people forever and expect them to know how to walk when you put them down. I had to learn that the hard way. I was an unintentional enabler. You have to draw the line when helping people. Some people want you to do things for them rather then help. When you see someone close to you that needs help, you have to first make sure they are willing to do the same things you are willing to do for them, themselves. Otherwise they will become dependent on your support and may never learn how to do things for themselves. I have seen this happen as well as experienced this far too many times. Enabling a person actually hurts them more than helps them. So you have to be very careful when extending a hand, even for those you love. Now I only help those that are willing to help themselves. There's nothing worse than a helpless adult!

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