Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Guest Blog:True Repentance, from a so-called Virgonians perspective by @AllEyeCeeing

Eye get accused of playing with words sometimes just because eye make them make sense; but eye can't help it if they do what eye tell them to do, that's their nature to do as they are told...LOL!!! Words don't lie, it's the one who uses them that lies, and since eye don't lie every word that comes out of my mouth is THE TRUTH.
Right along with being accused of playing with words, eye've been accused of being an over-analyzer, but believe me eye'm not. Eye just choose to see everything for what it's worth because eye deal with root knowledge and not branch knowledge. Hence, the title of my blog THE-ALL-EYE-SEEING http://the-all-eye-seeing.blogspot.com/.
Not being one who turns himself completely over to the science of astrology, but being one who takes the best part from whatever eye lend vibration to; given my study of astrology one thing that eye find consistently said amongst astrologists and even those who have a novice or beginners knowledge of astrology is that when describing the zodiac sign Virgo that eye am said to fall under,they all generally say that Virgo's are some very analytical people
Now eye can't speak for any other so-called Virgos because eye know that there are Virgos on welfare and Virgos on Wall Street, but when it comes to me this assertion is 100% Right and Exact. Have you ever been in a crowded room and felt as though someone was looking at you or watching you? Well, the chances are that it was probably me or someone like me who observes everything and everybody.
With all of that being said eye'm going to tackle a word considered by most to be a religious term and eye would suspect that that plays a major part in the equation as to why it's misunderstood mostly by the religious. The word that eye'm speaking of is the word 'REPENT'.
Now eye know Mr. Webster and Mr. or Mrs. Funk & Wagnall may overcast the definition of 'repent' with religious connotations, or simply say that it is to be remorseful or contrite in regards to what one has done; but their definitions do not get to the root of what it is to 'repent' and does not give insight into what it truly means to repent so that one may yield power from it.

What eye'm going to do is issue and advance my understanding of the word 'repent' and if you find any value in it, lay hold to it; but if not you should REPENT! YOU OL' FISH-EYED FOOL...LOL! (bless the dead). You've got to pardon me but eye loves me some Sanford and Son. The battles between Fred G. Sanford and Aunt Esther were classic., and by the way the G does stand for God.

Everyone knows the prefix 're' means- again, to do again, or to do over yada yada yada. The word 'pent' is the past tense of the word 'pen'. Not a 'pen' that is a writing instrument nor 'pen' as in writing or authoring a book; but a 'pen' as in an enclosure or something that confines animals such as a bullpen, a hog or pigpen, and even penitentiary or penal system.

My great-grandmother who is still living loves watching wrestling and seeing The Smackdown; but her favorite wrestler was The Junkyard Dog and she use to love seeing him use his finishing move called THE THUMP and 'pen' his opponent on the canvas. Again 'pent' is the past tense of the word 'pen', so he penned or pent his opponent on the ground, against the ropes, or on the wall. So bascially we are dealing with confinement.

When an animal is not confined it is wild and free to roam and wander(wonder) like a vagabond, and has to fend for himself and secure its own food and protection unlike a confined animal who is provided for and taken care of.

The universe has laws that govern it and the laws that govern the universe are wrapped up in the very nature of you and eye; so when we break or attempt to break the law we are acting against ourselves and there are penalties when one breaks the law, just as there are rewards for obeying the law. NO ONE GETS AWAY WITH ANYTHING! It doesn't matter whether anyone sees you or not, if no one else sees you, you see you and that has its effects whether you know it or not.

The law of gravity doesn't care whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Atheist, believer, disbeliever, or hypocrite. If anyone of them go and jump off of a skyscraper they're all going to fall at the same rate of speed.
So to 'REPENT' transcends the thought alone of worshipping or following some ethereal being; and it goes beyond just merely feeling remorseful, getting on your knees, throwing your hands up, asking for forgiveness, or doing however many Hail Mary's.

So what does it mean to repent? To 'repent' means to come back under the confinement or back in harmony with the laws that govern existence or that which promotes life and not death. You can call it what you want to: the laws of God, The laws of Nature, or The laws of Being; but no matter what you call it you must be in harmony with it to avoid a premature death.

Love, Peace, and Happiness!!!


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