Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest Blog Post: by @BLAKOBEN "The Lost Knowledge of the Fu’ad-Our Inner Heart "

The Lost Knowledge of the Fu’ad-Our Inner Heart

1. Have you ever thought about how the flowers you see everyday evolve out of pure blackness, muddy soil with fragrant smells and are as colourful as YOU ARE?

2. Have you ever thought about how the peels of fruits such as bananas, watermelons, melons and oranges serve as wrappings of protection from its beautiful inner fruit, and how that beauty, as a result of those wrappings, maintain their taste and fragrance?

3. Have you ever thought about the possibility that while you are asleep a sudden earthquake could demolish your home, office, and/or your city to the ground, and that in a few seconds you could lose every material thing you possess?

4. Have you ever thought of how your life passes away very quickly, and that you will grow old and become weak, and slowly lose your beauty, health and strength?

5. Well, have you ever thought about why people are so attached to the material possesions of this external world from which they will soon depart instaed of striving to awaken the inner world of God Consciousness.

The Hue-Mind being whom the Creator of all the worlds of knowledge, science & mathematics; seen & unseen has furnished them with the faculty of deep thought. However, most people are so distracted with external material posessions that they never even utilize this very important faculty as they should. In fact, most almost never think.

In truth, each Hue-Mind being possesses an innate capacity for deep thought to which most are unaware. Once the Hue-Mind being re-learns to utilize their divine capacity for deep thought, facts & truths to which they have been unable to realize will begin to be uncovered for them. The deeper we learn to go in reflection, the more our divine capacity to think improves, and this is possible for everyone. One just has to realise that one needs to reflect and then to strive hard. How does one do this is the 1st question that comes to ones mind. The answer lives within the Re-Awakening of the Inner Heart.

Our hearts have been deadened by the distractions & materialism of the non living physical world. We must begin excercising our inner heart to once again regain our TRUE SIGHT,our INSIGHT. That inner mechanism which filters the material constructs of man to SEE the true beauty of our beingness. Our inner heart is our REAL EYES, and only through accesing that we can REALIZE real truth over REAL LIES.

About 20 years ago I began researching Mansa Musa & the city of knowledge, known throughout the world a Timbuktu.This study drove me to begin studying Arabic, or better yet what is called Arabiyan Fusihah (High Classical Arabic) the REAL language the Quran was translated in. WHY; you might ask.

If one was to go up to the north of Africa, Morocco to be exact, you will find a sign post which says, "52 days to Timbuktu". Which actually means it takes a minimum 52 days on camels back through the intense heat and torture of the desert to get down south to Mali, which use to be one of the most important trading centers of the world. And what were they trading? They were trading material goods, in exchange for the KNOWLEDGE, SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS of the physical, as well as metaphysical world, which our ancestors had translated in Arabic in one of the great learning centers called Timbuktu. People use to risk life & limb just to get to study at the feet of afrikan warrior scholars, who took the knowledge of our ancestors far away into the desert & built an instution which was rivaled by no one at that time since the pillage & destruction of our great libraries at Kemit (Iput Isut), Jenne, Carthage, Waset and elsewhere. My life’s mission is to be able to read & study these great manuscripts, I haven’t made it to Timbuktu YET, however, I have mastered the ability to Read & Translate high classical Arabic, I have collected, studied & translated some ancient text and discovered a multitude of Lost Jewels. It is in this light that I wish to share with you today on the importance of the INNER Heart . Hopefully, on a later post I can return to this issue of our lost & stolen manuscripts and our responsibility to recover, deconstruct, reconstruct & construct again the universal study habits of our ancestors which invaders risked their lives to learn, stole, remixed & wrote us out of history. Commonly known as Psychology, Astrology, Mathematics, Science, Dialectics kwk..and its connection to us on this planet.

The Inner Heart – Fu’ad

In Arabiyan Fusihah (High Classical Arabic) The fu’ad, or ‘inner heart’, is often synonymous with qalb = The heart. However, while qalb = The heart calls to the mind an internal feeling of change, fu’ad = Inner Heart pulsates with self-expression, self-realization, self-unfoldment, kwk.. and elevates the hue-mind intellect towards pure inspiration. ‘The fu’ad does not lie’ (Qur`an 53:32). The word is derived from the root verb, fa’ada, to feel intensely in the heart, and tafa’ada, to be excited with passion, love, zeal, fervor, enthusiasm kwk… to be in motion, movement, and becoming kwk.

The original intent of the Qur`an in its high classical sense indicates that the purpose of revealed knowledge is to strengthen our inner hearts (fu’ad) and to show us how it experiences life and gives meaning and direction to it. With the transformative knowledge that is revealed to our inner hearts we are able to recognize, realize, differentiate & discern the differences between the inner reality and the outer mirage, separate that which is pure and crystal clear from that which is subject to impurities and confusion. Without the fu’ad = Inner Heart we would not be unable to detect if our qalb = Our Heart is metaphysically dead, alive, angry or tarnished. The fu’ad = Inner Heart never lies; it is our most valuable jewel or asset. The fu’ad = Inner Heart confirms through the signs of pain and/or pleasure that our main purpose here on earth is to acknowledge our Source (God Consciousness) align ourselves with that source, The ALL. Striving to realign ourselves with that ever present source which feeds, nourishes, sustains, evolves, unfolds & provides everything you need to be YOU. i.e. Air, Water, Oxygen, Food, Minerals, Vitamins, Herbs etc. ALL of which hue-mind beings NEED, but cant & don’t create. This acknowledgement is what is meant by Worship through God Consciousness & surrendering oneself to that fact & that essence.. The fu’ad = Inner Heart helps us to activate our MIND to come to KNOW that ever present source & to realize our Highest self is the presence of that source within US & everything living. Re-alignment with the ALL brings us back into onesess, GOD CONSCIOUSNESS and utilization of its attributes; through sight and insight; the physical and metaphysical

. The divine nature of the fu’ad = Inner Heart act in such a way that is always receptive to divine knowledge & insight, always clear like a crystal. The Qur'an speaks of a particular story about the the Black Prophet Musa’s (Moses’) Afrikan mother, who listened to her divine nature, contrary to the backward social customs at the time, fearing her childs life, had no choice but to put her baby into a basket and set him afloat down the mystical Nile River Waters to her Kemetic Ancestors to save him from the egotistical, murderous Pharaoh of that time. In doing so she acted contrary to her social customs as a mother. Divine Inspiration tells us that she was only able to do so because her fu’ad = {Inner Heart} was ‘empty’ (Qur`an 28:10). Thus the light of The ALL Infinite Intelligence gave her the clarity and courage to act.

With an awakened & healthy qalb = Heart and an empty fu’ad = Inner Heart, we are told by Divine Inspiration from Infinite Intelligence that we may have a taste of real gratitude {Shakur}, to The ALL. ‘...God has given you faculties of hearing, seeing and the fu’ad = Inner Heart , so that you may be thankful = Shakur’ (Qur’an 16:76). If we are in true gratitude = Shakur, then we wont have any false desires or destructive false needs. Our fu’ad = Inner Heart reveals to us that The ALL source of our provisions comes through our GOD CONSCIOUSNESS & Oneness with Ar Razzaaq (The ALL Provider) and that we REALLY have no need to desire anything false outside of the one true source that provides us everything tangible we REALLY need. The Re-Awakening of Our GOD CONSCIOUSNES, that very source of HOTEP, PEACE (Salaam) tranquility (Sakina) that we so covet, which makes our physical and spiritual faculties balanced and at their most competent level, there by granting us growth & development in everything we undertake. Infinite Intelligence is constantly showing us that very few of us achieve that state of HOTEP, PEACE (Salaam) & GRATITUDE (Shukr),teaching us that most hearts are not healthy.

If we would re-learn how to allow our hearts, the qalb = Heart to fulfill its role as the inner reflector of the truth; then through pure awareness of our divine state of GOD CONSCIOUS witnessing-(shahada), that inner light will reveal all relevant knowledgeto us. This is what is truly meant by "I have eyes in the back of my head." The shahid = {one who witnesses} within us; becomes an accurate witness; it sees our intentions and our actions and captures them all for us instantly, like a snapshot. For example, when we are faced with a dilemma of whether or not to undertake a certain action, we exercise our intellect and reasoning to its limitation and then we surrender the sneaky whispers of the tricky ego to let the fu’ad = inner heart reflect or indicate what course of action needs to be taken. We must, however, train ourselves to be able to discriminate between the shahid and the false fears, doubts & desires of our ego. Once one achieves this state,they are then rewarded with constant shahada. Then, quite naturally, we nurture and revitalize our inner faculties, as these will enable us to interact properly in this world with our brothers & sisters with the heart open to the seen & unseen.

In the spirit of our Ancestors let us once again reflect on the importance of our Inner Hearts, begin again to witness the beauty of infinite intelligence, surrender to that source, re-awaken our GOD CONSCIOUSNESS & regain oneness with The ALL.

Your brother in the struggle for Peace, Freedom, Justice & Equality
Coach Bilal Sankofa A.Salaam Transformational Behavior Coach President/CEO of Ankh Services Inc.


  1. great job @BLAKOBEN..although I'm not a reader of the Qur'an and never had an interest to learn Arabic, your reasoning for studying Arabic makes me interested...I can certainly relate with keeping my heart and mind centered to GOD CONSCIOUSNESS or the I AM in me...leads me to a greater understanding of life and keeps divine order in my life.

  2. Very interesting piece. Highly enlightening and I accept the challenge of unlocking my fu'ad. Can't wait to read more.

  3. Excellent post! Thank you for enriching us with such knowledge. I personally had a soul-stirring reaction to this post. It's amazing witnessing a fellow brotha assisting with placing "Us" back in the position that we were in so long ago. Just the catalyst I needed to aid in reversing the ill effects of organized religion. Infinite peace and power fam.-@_karatemane)
