Saturday, June 12, 2010

Men And Women: Can't We All Just Get Along?

So much has been said about some of the comments that Houston rapper Slim Thug said in regards to women. Now, I'm not so sure what was all the commotion was about. Was it because he had the nerve to say it? Was it because many disagreed with his viewpoint? I guess we could say yes and no to both of those questions, however I think that we may have missed the point. This brotha was expressing not only his views but his experiences about how he sees women today based upon his "experiences" Does that make it right or wrong? I don't think right or wrong is relevant in this case.

What appears to me is the continuing trend of negative conditioned thinking that further separates the black family and makes it harder to come together and stay together. The way some of us think, then speak about our women only make it easier for others to disrespect and degrade them. Now, sistas have some culpability in this as well because how you carry yourself is a direct result of this conditioning as well. Personally, my experiences and the teachings that I received from my mother, aunts, grandmothers and other women in my life is to love and respect women. That's all I know.

As men and women in many cases roles or duties are clearly defined, however in the age that we live in things have changed. Cooking and cleaning are still done, however running corporations, managing companies, doing the things that were once thought to be taboo are being done by our sistas. It doesn't make them less of a woman, but when it comes to being able to relate to your spouse certain things are expected. And it is thoses expectations that often cause the most trouble. Whether they are unrealistic or not, if you're not communicating what it is that you need or want, just expecting the other person should know is crazy.

Lastly, although his opinion, views and experiences are his do you ever wonder if some of the things that he said about our sistas were true and because they were, the anger was the direct result of stepping on some toes? Tell me what you think.

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