Friday, May 27, 2011

Guest Blog Post: My Way Of Life by @wiseservant

I am muslim, have been for a while and since the day after September 10, 2001 my way of life has been under extreme scrutiny. There has been an open war on Islam from the west with prejudice growing each and every day for those of us who practice this. So here I am, born here from a people who where enslaved, black in a white man’s world and muslim. Triple conscience. Striving on these different levels to secure my identity while presenting an aura that is both receptive and protective. Seeing ignorance run rampant in an induced fear from the psychological trauma that was placed on the American public that day. Seeing people talk about Islam looking from the outside in, not knowing what they are talking about and making more confusion. The funny thing about all of this is that this is the same historical reaction to black people, with the same approach that was taken to race early this century in the post reconstruction period. It is the same thing when the emotive black man who is out of control full of hatred and anger is constantly promoted through media into the American conscience time and time again. It is the same blanked depiction of a people that places everybody in the same boat never leaving room for nuances and natural human differences. It seems it feels that same way it did in the sixties when every body was labeled black radical just for having after- school programs or breakfast programs in their own neighborhoods. If somebody had a legitimate criticism of this society then all of a sudden they where labeled dangerous while also being un American(whatever that means). So do I have to explain myself on all this levels? Forced to explain what being muslim means and how we are not what the media or the average person on the street feels we are. But wait I am also black with all of those cultural leanings as well. What does this mean? That I can be complex and complicated, while living in this country that sometimes wants you to be plain. That I can be all of this things while still having that underneath influences of my early MTV years, yeah I like the Police and uh, U2 as well, might as well through Nirvana in there too. With all of that said Islam comes first for me each and every day, it is the ultimate viewpoint of how I shape my view points, moral outlooks, ethical decisions, and my over all character enhancement. As the great scholar from Nigeria stated,” Knowledge is universal and eternal but it has a social and cultural stamp. It also has a purpose and a commitment to a particular world view there fore cannot be neutral.” Islam is like a river the flows over the particular culture washing away the impurities but keeping it intact. So I have long conducted my blackness in the universality of Islam. I have found my historical continuity with being born black in America and by choice accepting Islam. My lens is colored and it is full of historical figures and instances I can rely on to constantly build foundations for my identity. The fusion of the two has happened naturally with no problem at all when I looked into Islamic Africa knowing full well I am connected to that history. The issue comes when looking at America and how it views my islam and my blackness with the same critical eye. In America I must shy away from the 2 by making both of them more accepted or cross over to the “mainstream”(whatever that means). I have to down play this uniqueness about me by making myself acceptable by being regular or sticking to the script that has been passed down for years. To be a good ole boy or girl in America you must at all times act white. You must be educated in those schools be able to look at the accommodate white people by having your world view match their’s because if it doesn’t and by some way you think differently then you are trouble. Automatically, you must know that the white way is the only way to think, see, move in this world that they have created. The funny thing about it is that world is cracked with huge imperfections. It seeps with moral and ethical issues by forcing contradictions down the people throats. So a black person must play it this way to succeed as well as a muslim in this terror watch society. How can you comprehend all of this? Raise a family in all of this so that they can be culturally component why maintaining their proper identity? Can these 3 with historically diametrically viewpoints co exist? I say yes!

A ancient spiritual saying is that everything is hidden in its opposite; that the cure for the thing that is ailing is in its opposite. This society is still looking to formulate itself and tricks the people into thinking it has garnered a national identity. While there are cultural residues that come with being raised in this society the identity of this place is still taking shape. The real America hasn’t even taken hold yet in its over 230 or so odd years of real existence. There have been constant cultural upheavals that have left America in identity crisis after crisis and we are witnessing one right now. To heal this is to delve into the people who have been constantly franchise, not just black people but people of color. To look at the very thing that has been made horrific in this society, Islam. To not only fully understand these two dynamics within’ our society but embrace it. I was talking to an comrade of mine and we where coming to the conclusion that this was the era of black men. Meaning that if you as a black man have there stuff together no matter what your back ground is if you can present yourself with all of your splendor you will be successful. The only thing is that you have to be able to express yourself, have to be able to articulate the argument while maintaining that middle way, that balanced way. The same thing with Islam, with all that it offers, with all of the awakenings that can occur in it, all of the service, good manners, elimination of blameworthy characteristics and the acquiring of praiseworthy characteristics . How it deals with justice, while at the same time gives you the blue print on how to deal with your neighbors. How is holds at is foundations one of the most brilliant languages one can study in Arabic. How ones heart opens to become soft and full of love that it pours all over the being. How it has you go to battle each and every day with your ego so at to bring it to submission. To restrain your destructive passions in such a way that gives you a true sense of what being a human being is all about. How it guards your modesty while letting you become fully aware of your senses. How it creates the process of wanting for other people what you what for yourself. How it makes you constantly re check you intentions over and over again for the most minuscule thing to the biggest. How it takes the I that is in you and pushes it away from you having you always think of other people before you think of yourself(the thing that makes America destructive). How it has you look at the material allowing you to have wealth but never putting it in your heart. Having you look at diamonds and mud the same way. Yes, there are people in this world who act like this, are this in there state. Some of them are languishing in these society penitentiary system. This is the beauty that is never talked about of often seen. This walking miracles that exist in our streets, schools, and workplaces of thousands and thousands of stories on how lives have been changed as a result of embracing this way of life. When these complexities are fused the complexed blackness with the graciousness of Islam you have something that is so interesting bursting with flavor it has to be giving grand opportunities for achievement.

Also, for better cultural understanding and awareness that makes a society like this more appealing within’. These are the inner working of Islam that many miss out own because of the propagated factions that are spewed all over the place. The same can be said about first, the long lasting contributions that black folk have given this society over and over again. Secondly the vastness cultural awakening that is Africa with its many lessons that are still being discovered one being Arabic manuscripts which has become the western university keys to the future of there own existence as academic institutions.

Self determination should not be something that the dominate culture should fear from its sub culture. In fact it is the very thing that allows for a group of people to not only fully understand what they are and who they are to become. It gives them a measuring tool as to how they are going to contribute to humanity. Not only what they are going contribute but how and in what manner. It gives them a strong sense of self worth that allows them to see value within themselves. This in turns gives them the necessary tools to constantly contribute to society that enhances the culture through the sub cultural expressions. Just look at the confidence of black music and how it has given this western culture a sense of humanity through the artistry of the musical lineage. Just imagine that type of unique contribution at every level not just music and how we would add to the society. America is very subtle in its notion of allowing free expression of race, and religion only it gives the parameters that throws up barriers to the type of expression. If it goes in and out of this boundaries that are up then that expression is considered un american or dangerous to the very notion of what america is. This is at the heart of the conscience that pervades this society which allows for the dominant culture to feel safe and secure in there own identity. At the crux of self determination with all of its expressions is healing food for the combat the multiple conscience existence provides. Each and everyday your self worth is being bombarded with the dominant culture worldview fill with necessity of your and yours seeing it the same way. What self determination does is lift that veil of the dominant culture allowing you to see the world from your perspective which gives you the proper mechanics to deal with the dominant psychologically. So in essence the way to fight the overall intrusion of the having to live out your life in multiple stages of consciences is to find your central purpose in your culture and spiritual makeup. To be able to be in a position to express this point of view in all settings while maintaining a strong sense of self. Just think the challenges that lie for any black family with the added pressure of being muslim? They have to raise children here in America with certain social reality while knowing who they are culturally while maintaining this Islam in a place that is openly hostile to it. This is what is in front of most black people who happen to follow this religion most by choice who are raising families according to the rules and regulations of society. While the biggest hurdle to over come in these borders are the social pressures that come with not being white and Christian. You are automatically labeled different with barriers to break through and hills to climb. The way to do it is through the moniker of determining for self what one identity is through the ocean of religious and cultural references that are at the disposal. While adopting the growing throughout this particular point of view then one can adopt an American culture that is full of contributions from one said group. Case in point, when it comes to the world contributions of Jazz from the mid twentieth century and hip hop later in the same century. It comes from a full realization of who we are as a people and the expression is centered on that type of communication. When you add Islam to the already diverse mix of rich Afro- American history then connect it directly back to west Africa where most of our enslaved ancestors where brought from. Now you have an unique experience that is full of stories of struggle that define us, gives us perception, and creates a bigger world view through this particular eye of self determination.

This is the key that opens up the world to someone who may have it closed to them other rise. That middle ground that I’ve been expressing is the only way to deal with all of this pain, rejection, and seeing your people lose all the time. This is what carries me through the days when it seems like racism and ignorance rules. Not to get to anger or be to calm, better yet to be angry when the time calls for it, to be calm when the time calls for it. Meeting the moment with the exact countenance for that selective time that will gain acceptance of what you are trying to express. Being black, muslim and living in America will create climatical challenges like how to raise children to be full of love for their religious in a place that is so critical from a standpoint of ignorance while having a strong sense of self worth while being able to navigate through the terrain a America. Tuff duty even for adults while adding having to protect and guild a family through all of this. This is what millions and millions of us are going through daily, this triple conscience that has been introduced in this new century that can create the ultimate psychosis.


  1. Very interesting, and I def understand the struggle of being Muslim and Black. The open enemy has a war waged against Blacks and Islam, but the more we grow in Allah the stronger we will become. For the enemy plans and Allah plans, and surely Allah is the best of planners!

  2. One word-Mash'allah!

  3. One of my favorite sentences "Having you look at diamonds and mud the same way." I love it! I feel like for Black Muslim's rough for us too. I believe in my heart that the change or positive outlook..starts with our black Muslim brutha's. That's just my opinion. Black Muslim women have it rough, but the foundation begins with a brighter lite being shone on our men.

    It is nice to know that I'm not alone in what I feel as a Muslim: who is a woman and black. At times I feel conflicted, because Islam should have no race. But...insha'allah a change....

    Allah (SWT)..something will give. Something nice in a positive light!

    Jazaka allahu khairan to the ummah!
