Saturday, November 20, 2010

Once Upon a Time by @satori06


An estimated 85 percent of American four-year-olds believe in Santa. Studies show that parents tell at least 3000 "white" lies to their children. The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Boogie Man, and even religious myths are a few examples of the socially accepted untruths we pass down to our children. What are the ramifications of these so called harmless stories we tell them? Like many parents, there was a time I didn't consider the effects of this practice until I came into the understanding of the mental conditioning I was preparing him for.

I was also unintentionally teaching my child to ignore his reasoning skills and that those in authority should be believed no matter how fantastical or ridiculous the story might be. Just consider the story of the Tooth Fairy. We teach our children that when a tooth falls out they should hide it under their pillow, expect a stranger to break in the house to exchange the tooth (which has no value) for some kinda currency ( that you provided). hmmmmmmm.

Studies have found most kids feel a sense of pride: "Figuring out" the truth about Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. This knowledge makes them feel older. I guess kinda like how some of us who have come into various stages of enlightenment felt.

The result of these lies that appear so innocent is actually a trained mind that teaches our children to accept false claims with out question and eventually instead of those lies coming from us as parents they come from the government and the church. The eventual acceptance of the illusion of freedom and democracy becomes as easy to to "believe" in as a toothfairy. Our children become handicapped by early indoctrination and turn into the "swag" zombies we see now. Growing into the adults who are willing to fight and DIE for the higher authority of government or in the name of a religious daity ( take your pick of ) despite the evidence or reasons for a war. We are losing our children every day to a war created under a fairy tale about weapons of mass destruction. People accept this fable despite a lack of credible supporting evidence. Our society is made up of adults who are hard wired to to not question claims made by authority figures.Just like we never questioned an Easter Bunny who laid eggs.

We have all learned that we cant trust this government. It constantly tells us stories & fairytales. Terrorism is the boogie man for grown ups! We used stories like that to manipulate our our children into doing what we want by fear and the government uses the same tactics. We are preparing our children for a life of mental enslavement. Fear is a means of control. Control is enslavement.

We must begin training and educating our children that trust is precious and not to be given away easily. Trust is not absolute and is a continuos reconsideration during a relationship. Including a relationship with authority!

We can change this cycle. The power is ours. All power to the people.


  1. #TRUTH

    I'm really quite surprised about that 85% figure

  2. @Lionrlz1 ..thank you so much for reading & commenting

  3. peace....couldnt get more accurate than this!

  4. @ Eternal .. we cee alike, sis ! thanks for reading

  5. Great read! Teaching our kids to detect the government bullst*t early in life is a great way to start a little warrior's training!
