Saturday, November 20, 2010

We Do So Much For Political Reasons by @OwlsAsylum

We do so much for political reasons.
I often wonder if the purpose of life is to serve your fellow person without losing complete control of the qualities and characteristics that make you...well, YOU. Your Self is the mighty interaction of rna, cells, organs, neural interplay, and experiences synthesized. The need for order of some sort is often a complicated discussion. The western world's Plato seems to believe that their is a hegemony of more important elements of the human inner construct. That the thoughts are more important than the emotions. I tend to approach the matter from a more wholistic approach: each brick is just as important as the purpose for the brick. My feet are designed for balanced, and you really have to consider the original architect who figured the mathematics out. Who would have imagined two planks of bone, gristle, and flesh attached perpendicular to another slab of bones and flesh for the purpose allowing the whole form to stand erect with balance? Less than one third of the body is crafted to balance the whole.

So, why would I think any different of my passions? Why would I fail to recognize that the parts of my character that make me unique are not the very same reasons for my purpose here among society? At what point should I take my machete and begin to hack away the dimensions of my Self that are unappealing to others? At what joint of my character should I begin to sledge hammer in order to separate it from my whole?

And yet, this is what we do.

I agree that tact is necessary, and common courtesies are an oil placed on the gears of communication that allow society to be. And yet how often are we asked to conform to dispositions that simply aren't necessary for the functioning of the whole? How many slaves would have remained on the plantation if the passions of Harriet Tubman were to have been warped into a mathematical function, solved for the most probable outcome, and acted on based on that solution? How often has the coward analyzed a situation based on illusive equations and failed to rise to their highest potential? How often has the introverted genius been overlooked simply because they formed a conclusion based on a premise that stated that no one paid any attention to them in the past? How often do we hide the one element of our character that was developed for the purpose of assisting the whole?

Every time we hold back certain beliefs, thoughts, and deeds with the intention of appeasing others to the detriment of our true expression, we rob the world. This is not a promotion of reckless communication, yet there is a degree of our Self expression that is necessary for the growth of the whole. To be aware is to be alive and we are all conduits of some sort of awareness, it is typically to our benefit to express that awareness. I don't have to be rude when I tell you that your breathe stinks...but guess who loses if I don't...

1 comment:

  1. good point! something to think about:

    "Every time we hold back certain beliefs, thoughts, and deeds with the intention of appeasing others to the detriment of our true expression, we rob the world."
