Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thoughts, Opinions and Emotions

After having a conversation with my sister I decided to express some thoughts about some things. One of the things that I learned very early in life is that "we are all not the same". The way we think, our experiences, what our opinions are rooted in. The filters that we use when dealing with people, conversations, knowledge, religion, etc.... we all have a way of processing all of this, thinking about and forming opinions about or feeling a certain way about it.

When it comes to life and social media sites alot of talk is based upon the thoughts that we have and then the opinions we have formed whether informed or uninformed about the information we are either reading or relating. How we think is the direct result of our experiences, the experiences of those around us, the information we have attained and how it relates to how we live.
It is a rare occurence that people will relate or share their experiences with you. It would seem that we are more incline to share an opinion before anything as oppose to a well thought out factual based thought. Opinions can be kind of tricky because when we offer them most of the times they are deeply rooted within misconceptions, precondtioned notions and lastly....feelings.

It is through our thoughts, opinions and feelings alot of us express ourselves whoever it is sometimes the attachments to those thoughts, opinions and feelings that not only create conflict within us but other we come in contact with who have opposing views on a subject. When one holds tightly to what he/she believes, supposes or even feels is the truth, when new information, another way to side a thing is not even considered and in most cases the person feels the need to not only defend their postition, but hole onto it despite the fact that they may recognize that the other individual has a valid point.

Debating an opinion is an inexact science because if there is no facts or truths encased with that opinion, what are we really talking about? We all have opinons about alot of things, whether they are based in truth, facts or even reality for that matter we often find ourselves trapped in a debate about something that is actually meaningless. Thoughts, opinions and feelings are universal elements that all beings possess and to actually get heated about a subject that neither person or the people involve know to be actual and factual is self defeating.

Now, if debating and arguing and being opinionated is your thing then Twitter is fodder for those types of people to pick and choose who can argue or even bully into thinking their way. On the other hand, when engaging someone in a conversation that you find yourself on the opposite sides of the coin, remember that if it's about your thoughts, opinions and emotions, they all change depending upon what is going on with you so don't be so quick to hold onto to them. Life is about learning and within that process you may have to let some things go so that you can allow something new and more beneficial in your life.


  1. Great post. I know my thoughts and opinions have changed over the years.

    I think another thing that happens is we make assumptions about what has been said/written without asking questions to gain clarity. This can lead to misunderstandings and arguments as well.

  2. fatihsoulsistah: you're right about assumptions. That was a good and vailid point. Thank you for taking the time to read.
